Yesterday was Hao's BBQ Birthday Party at Downtown East Chalet.
Though its was raining and we are all drenched but that was a fun and memorable one.
The moment that my bf had set up the fire, its started to rain, we hurrying carried all the foods and charcoal back to the chalet and wait for the rain to stop. About 45mins later, the rain had subsided and we carried all the foods out to the bbq pit again as Hao's and my bf are setting up the fire.
Just when the charcoal is burning red and hot, slight drizzle come back again...arghz... but than we decided to go ahead with the BBQ.. (coz they are tired of setting out the fire again). After awhile, we realised that the raindrop had become bigger and was raining heavily.
No choice that my bf gotta walk back to his car to get an umbrella. Luckily that Grace had an umbrella too.. and that was the first time that we had ever BBQ in the rain with umbrellas. LOLx...
两年前的某一天我们在 Pasir Ris Chalet
两年后的我们昨天又在 Pasir Ris Chalet