Yes! You are right. I'm intending to bring lunch to work everyday in order to save up more $$$. LOLxxx
This lunch box cost me S$15.90 and although i find it a little costly but at least its something i really like (motivation to bring lunch to work everyday mah) but who knows when i went JB today, a shop at city square was selling at RM19.90 and member can buy it at a special price of RM10.00. I couldn't believe my eyes when i saw it and have been grumbling since for the whole day. SO angry!
Actually for the past few days when i was looking out for a Hello Kitty Lunch box but to no avail, i did told myself that since i will be going to JB this weekend maybe i can try my luck there. Its was so happened that i managed to find it at a newly open shop in Lot 1 which is similar those Sanrio shop and the sales lady told me its original sanrio item. Therefore, i assumed that JB wouldn't have it, without hesitating i bought it down.
Felt a little cheated and not worth now, but since i bought it already there is no choice either. Just treat it as I'm supporting Singapore economy bah. keke...( just to comfort myself )
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